

22:13 Ticket #121 (the load_mupa function choaks when given something other than a file) closed by diane
fixed: Fixed in [352]
17:01 Ticket #121 (the load_mupa function choaks when given something other than a file) created by diane
The load_mussa code hangs when you run mussa --run <directoy name>.


16:49 WikiStart edited by king


17:51 Ticket #118 (Tracks need an edit properites option.) closed by diane
fixed: The important bit, setting the sequence name was implemented in [336].
14:57 Ticket #120 (Windows doesn't have python installed by default) created by diane
If we're to use python for some glue logic, there's a problem of where …
14:49 Ticket #86 (Progresss bar) closed by diane
fixed: This was done a while ago and left open because the cancel button …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.