= MussaGL Build Info = == General Requirements == * Qt4.1.x - [http://www.trolltech.com/download/qt/x11.html Linux] | [http://www.trolltech.com/download/qt/mac.html Mac OS X] | [http://www.trolltech.com/download/qt/windows.html Windows] (4.1.2, 4.1.3, and 4.1.4 each new version seems to have a few less minor bugs that affects Mussa.) * [http://www.boost.org/ Boost C++ Libraries] (program_options, test, python modules) * Mussagl Source ([/cgi-bin/mussa/wiki See download section]) * [http://www.cmake.org CMake >= v2.4] == Windows XP Requirements == * [http://www.mingw.org/ MingGW] (gcc compiler and tools for Windows... Qt4.1 installer will install it for you). == OS X Universal Build == As of darcs patch [300] mussa now builds as a universal binary on os x. This unforunately means you'll need [wiki:OSXUniversalDependencies OS X Universal Dependencies] == CMake Build commands == '''Note: Requires cmake version >= 2.4''' To check your current version, type: {{{ cmake --version }}} CMake has several advantages over qmake or standard make files for multiplatform development. One advantage is that it lets one build out of source (which makes clean up if a build goes wrong much easer.) After installing cmake, change to the mussa source directory and do the following. {{{ mkdir build cd build cmake .. make qui/mussagl }}} (Yes its annoying that the executable is dropped in a subdirectory, I hope that as I learn more about cmake I can fix that). To run the unittests from with in the build directory type {{{ make test }}} or {{{ ctest }}} Some useful alternate modes for cmake are: {{{ make VERBOSE=1 }}} which will show the actual commands being used to compile the program, and {{{ ctest -VV }}} which will show the output of the various test programs. == QMake Build Command == Building with qmake (this can only build mussagl, it doesn't build the python interface or the unittests) {{{ qmake make }}} == Troubleshooting == If running make generates a large number of error messages, you mostly likely ran the qt3 version of qmake. {{{ qmake -version }}} should report {{{ QMake version: 2.00a Using Qt version 4.1.0 in [wherever qt4 was installed] }}} If necessary you can download qt4 from http://www.trolltech.com/download/opensource.html