= MussaGL Build Info = == General Requirements == You will need to make sure the following are all installed in order to build from source. * [http://www.cmake.org CMake >= v2.4] * Qt4.1.x - [http://www.trolltech.com/download/qt/x11.html Linux] | [http://www.trolltech.com/download/qt/mac.html Mac OS X] | [http://www.trolltech.com/download/qt/windows.html Windows] >= 4.1.2 * [http://www.boost.org/ Boost C++ Libraries] >= 1.33.1 * [http://python.org/ Python] * Mussagl Source ([/cgi-bin/mussa/wiki See download section]) == Windows XP Requirements == See the [wiki:MussaglBuildWindows Building MussaGL on Windows] page for more information. == OS X Universal Build Dependencies == Mussa now builds as a universal binary on OS X, this means you'll need to follow the instructions on [wiki:OSXUniversalDependencies OS X Universal Dependencies] == Qt4 == Qt4 is fairly easy to install. {{{ configure make make install }}} usually works. The biggest problem I've seen is that one might need to tell Qt to use internal versions of some graphics libraries if one is intending to redistribute the binary being built. == Boost == Boost is more challenging to build. First one needs to obtain [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586&package_id=72941 BJam] for ones platform. Then if one has limited disk space one might need to limit which libraries that are built. Currently we're using: program_options, test, python, spirit, filesystem and some of the string processing algorithms. For windows users there's a copy of a build tree at http://woldlab.caltech.edu/~diane/proj/win32-boost-mingw-build.tar.bz2 Example command(s) for building boost 1.33 from source for windows (building only parts used by Mussa): Win32 w/ Mingw {{{ bjam "-sTOOLS=mingw" --with-python-version=2.4 --with-python --with-program_options --with-filesystem --with-serialization --with-test install }}} Win32 w/ Visual Studio 2005 (Although this compiles successfully, I have not been able to build Mussa using Visual Studio and do not need to due to Mingw. -king) {{{ bjam "-sTOOLS=vc-8_0" --with-python-version=2.4 --with-python --with-program_options --with-filesystem --with-serialization --with-test install }}} Debian (Why build from source when you have Debian packages?): {{{ apt-get install libboost-python-dev libboost-python1.33.1 libboost-program-options-dev libboost-program-options1.33.1 libboost-serialization-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-test1.33.1 }}} == CMake == '''Note: Requires cmake version >= 2.4''' To check your current version, type: {{{ cmake --version }}} If you don't have CMake binaries are available for download at http://cmake.org/HTML/Download.html CMake takes the place of the GNU autotools effectively replacing the "configure" step (and the automake and autoconf steps as well). The big advantage is that since CMake implements its own macro language one doesn't need to know portable bash scripting and m4 to write new build tests, like one does when using autotools. This makes building on windows dramatically easier. == Building Mussa == Once one has the dependencies one can actually build mussa. First checkout mussa using [[wiki:bzr bzr]]. (Hopefully soon there will be source distributions as well as binary distributions). {{{ bzr branch http://woldlab.caltech.edu/bzr/mussa mussa cd mussa mkdir build cd build cmake .. make }}} To run the unittests from with in the build directory type {{{ make test }}} or {{{ ctest }}} '''OS X & Multiple Python Installations''' If you're building on OS X and have several different versions of python installed you might want to pick which python to link against. To do so, you'll need to use ccmake to edit 4 CMake python variables. For instance if you want to link against the version of python that ships with OS X, you need to use the following settings. {{{ PYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARY = -F/System/Library/Frameworks -framework Python PYTHON_LIBRARY = -F/System/Library/Frameworks -framework Python PYTHON_EXECUTABLE = /usr/bin/python2.3 PYTHON_INCLUDE = /usr/include/python2.3 }}} -F needs to be set to which the base path of whatever framework you want to force to be used, and it needs to precede the -framework you want to force. == CMake Troubleshooting == CMake could not find a dependency. CMake includes a program {{{ ccmake }}} that allows one to view and edit the CMake configuration variables. I'm still a bit new at properly creating a CMake configuration so it's very likely that one will need to use the "advanced" view which shows all of the configuration variable in order to find what is NOT_DEFINED. (Or was it "NOT_FOUND")? To see all of the build commands run make like this: {{{ make VERBOSE=1 }}} To see the output of the unittests {{{ ctest -VV }}}