== Buidling Mussa on Windows == Building Mussa on Windows takes a bit of effort, which is why we provide pre-built binary installers. This section contains additional Windows specific information about building Mussa in windows. Note: More information on building Mussa, which is not windows specific is available on the MussaglBuild page. == Qt & MinGW == Qt4 on windows requires the [http://www.mingw.org/ MinGW] compiler. Thankfully the Qt installer will offer to install it for you. The CMake scripts do assume that MinGW and boost are being installed into the default locations of C:\MinGW and C:\Boost. If you install them elsewhere you will need to adjust several CMake variables. == Environmental Variables == You'll also probably want to put MinGW, CMake, and darcs on your system path. [http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;310519 How To Manage Environment Variables in Windows XP] == Boost Libraries == For some reason (haven't bothered to look into the details yet), boost builds some of the libraries with .lib, but mingw looks for .a, so, it's required to copy/rename a few libraries to have the .a extension. Below is a list of command prompt commands to make copies of the files needed by Mussa. {{{ copy C:\Boost\lib\libboost_filesystem-mgw-s.lib C:\Boost\lib\libboost_filesystem-mgw-s.a copy C:\Boost\lib\libboost_program_options-mgw-s.lib C:\Boost\lib\libboost_program_options-mgw-s.a copy C:\Boost\lib\libboost_serialization-mgw.lib C:\Boost\lib\libboost_serialization-mgw.a copy C:\Boost\lib\libboost_unit_test_framework-mgw-s.lib C:\Boost\lib\libboost_unit_test_framework-mgw-s.a }}} == Python Libraries == Which ever version of Python you used when building boost is the version you need to link against. I got the following error when I accidentally tried to build Mussagl while trying to link against Python 2.5: {{{ Linking CXX executable mussagl.exe CMakeFiles/mussagl.dir/qui/mussagl.obj(.text+0xa56): In function `main': C:/proj/mussa/qui/mussagl.cpp:102: undefined reference to `_imp__PyErr_Print' CMakeFiles/mussagl.dir/qui/mussagl.obj(.text$_ZN5boost6python3api6objectC2Ev[boo st::python::api::object::object()]+0x7): In function `ZN5boost6python6detail11up cast_implI7_objectS3_EEPT0_PT_S5_': C:/Boost/include/boost-1_33_1/boost/python/cast.hpp: undefined reference to `_im p___Py_NoneStruct' }}} I had built boost with Python 2.4. We haven't tested building Mussagl against Python 2.5, so we don't know if it works yet. Python 2.4 does work.