
Version 1 (modified by trac, 19 years ago) ( diff )


Trac Permissions

Trac uses a simple but flexible permission system to control what users can and can't access.

Permission privileges are managed using the trac-admin tool.

Regular visitors, non-authenticated users, accessing the system are assigned the default role (user) named anonymous. Assign permissions to the anonymous user to set privileges for non-authenticated/guest users.

In addition to these privileges users can be granted additional individual rights in effect when authenticated and logged into the system.

Available Privileges

To enable all privileges for a user, use the TRAC_ADMIN permission. Having TRAC_ADMIN is like being root on a *NIX system, it will let you do anything you want.

Otherwise, individual privileges can be assigned to users for the various different functional areas of Trac:

Repository Browser

BROWSER_VIEW View directory listings in the repository browser
LOG_VIEW View revision logs of files and directories in the repository browser
FILE_VIEW View files in the repository browser
CHANGESET_VIEW View repository check-ins

Ticket System

TICKET_VIEW View existing tickets and perform ticket queries
TICKET_CREATE Create new tickets
TICKET_APPEND Add comments or attachments to tickets
TICKET_CHGPROP Modify ticket properties
TICKET_MODIFY Includes both TICKET_APPEND and TICKET_CHGPROP, and in addition allows resolving tickets
TICKET_ADMIN All TICKET_* permissions, plus the deletion of ticket attachments.


MILESTONE_VIEW View a milestone
MILESTONE_CREATE Create a new milestone
MILESTONE_MODIFY Modify existing milestones
MILESTONE_DELETE Delete milestones
ROADMAP_VIEW View the roadmap page


REPORT_VIEW View reports
REPORT_SQL_VIEW View the underlying SQL query of a report
REPORT_CREATE Create new reports
REPORT_MODIFY Modify existing reports
REPORT_DELETE Delete reports
REPORT_ADMIN All REPORT_* permissions

Wiki System

WIKI_VIEW View existing wiki pages
WIKI_CREATE Create new wiki pages
WIKI_MODIFY Change wiki pages
WIKI_DELETE Delete wiki pages and attachments
WIKI_ADMIN All WIKI_* permissions, plus the management of readonly pages.


TIMELINE_VIEW View the timeline page
SEARCH_VIEW View and execute search queries
CONFIG_VIEW Enables additional pages on About Trac that show the current configuration or the list of installed plugins

Granting Privileges

Currently the only way to grant privileges to users is by using the trac-admin script. The current set of privileges can be listed with the following command:

  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission list

This command will allow the user bob to delete reports:

  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob REPORT_DELETE

Permission Groups

Permissions can be grouped together to form roles such as developer, admin, etc.

  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add developer WIKI_ADMIN
  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add developer REPORT_ADMIN
  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add developer TICKET_MODIFY
  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob developer
  $ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add john developer

Default Permissions

Granting privileges to the special user anonymous can be used to control what an anonymous user can do before they have logged in.

In the same way, privileges granted to the special user authenticated will apply to any authenticated (logged in) user.

See also: TracAdmin, TracGuide

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.