
Version 59 (modified by diane, 18 years ago) ( diff )

improve our description of mussa


Multi-Species Sequence Analysis

"We be plundering the High Sequence Seas For the hidden Treasures of Conservation"

About Mussa

Mussa is a bioinformatics tool for finding and visualizing regions of conserved DNA by comparing across several species. It has been found that conserved regions are frequently enriched for regions that are functionally important to a cell. Thus Mussa is a tool to help discover previously unknown functional DNA elements.

Mussa's core algorithm is an N-way version of FamilyRelation's 2-way comparative sequence analysis software (which is a part of the Cartwheel project). Mussa analyzes the conservation between DNA sequence from N species by applying a transitivity requirement to all possible paths through all possible pairwise comparisons from the provided DNA segments to derive an N-way comparison.

For example, given sequences 1,2,3, and 4, Mussa makes 6 2-way comparisons: 1vs2, 1vs3, 1vs4, 2vs3, 2vs4, and 3vs4. It then compares all the links between these comparisons, saving those that satisfy a transitivity requirement. The saved paths are then displayed in an interactive viewer.

Mussagl in action.



Currently, we provide two types of binary releases for Mussagl. The first is a development build and the second is a stable release build.

Development Builds - New builds are made as new features / bug fixes are implemented. Many times these builds will be stable, but from time to time, a new feature will break something. Please report any bugs you find and hopefully we will be able to fix the bug and make a new build in a timely fashion.

Stable Releases - Stable releases are made when milestones have been reached and has been tested by our various test users.

Source - The source is available as well. Compiling from source is currently the only way to get a Linux build. Binary versions may be made available for Linux in the future, most likely Debian packages. See darcs section of the wiki for information on downloading the latest source.


Stable Releases:

Application Version Release Date License Mac OS X (Universal Binary) Windows XP (Binary) Source (Linux/Mac/Win) Version Control darcs tag
Mussagl 1.0.0 Nov. 1st, 2006 GPL v2 Download (.dmg) Win32 Installer Source (.tar.gz) darcs mussa_1.0.0


If you would like to contact us about Mussagl, feel free to e-mail one or both of us:

  • Diane Trout <diane (at)>
  • Brandon King <kingb (at)>


Feature Requests / Bugs

Older Mussa Versions

Development Credits

Attachments (1)

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