Custom Query (19 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1 Annotation color mapper diane critical core
#4 Aligned sequence view diane critical Qt Gui
#72 Myogenin human mouse rat cow chicken files are odd diane critical core
#2 Connection view diane task major core
#3 View descriptions diane defect major Qt Gui
#5 Configure a mussa analysis from the Gui king defect major Qt Gui
#12 modify motifs attached to an analysis diane task major Qt Gui
#14 Motifs need to be creatable and editable from within the GUI diane defect major Qt Gui
#16 figure out how to get selections to work with new segment based drawing diane defect major Qt Gui
#19 I broke the scrollbar too diane defect major Qt Gui
#23 The threshold widget was broken too diane defect major Qt Gui
#25 broke motif colors diane defect major Qt Gui
#32 The trac pages should become the main mussa website king task major other
#36 Make zoom widget make sense diane defect major Qt Gui
#38 Loading a new analysis while an alignment window was open causes segfault diane defect major Qt Gui
#45 recreate os x bless script diane task major Qt Gui
#40 MussaAlignedWindow, left sequence position doesn't get initial value set diane minor Qt Gui
#41 Selection box jumps slightly to the right of the rubber band diane task minor Qt Gui
#42 when resizing you should see more basepairs, not make them bigger. diane defect minor Qt Gui
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.