Custom Query (199 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 199)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#33 diane diane fixed changing threshold can cause the UI to freeze

For larger datasets, the length of time it takes to recompute the nway comparison can be non trivial. So if you increment through each threshold value it takes a long time to compute one, and then when it finishes starts to compute the next before the user can do anything.

Basically the nway recomputation needs to somehow be non-blocking.

#36 diane diane fixed Make zoom widget make sense

The current calculation for the zoom widget is rather odd. It'd be better if the spin box value equaled (base pair/pixel)*10. (That way 1 would be 1 base pair for 10 pixels or fully zoomed out).

Also there should be a "zoom fully out" option which would then set the zoom size to show whatever our current maximum world coordinates are.

(This'd also help the aligned connection view (ticket:4) code as to show the equivalent to the old mussa sequence view I could just set the zoom level to something around 1..5. (aka 1 bp for ever 5 to 10 pixels.)

#38 diane diane fixed Loading a new analysis while an alignment window was open causes segfault
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