Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#264 Document sequence properties new king major document_1.1 other
#258 document new escape to clear selection new king major document_1.1 Qt Gui
#248 Test latest build on all platforms new diane major release_1.1 Qt Gui
#234 Document * in title when there are unsaved changes new king major document_1.1 Qt Gui
#232 Document the report bp copied number. new king major document_1.1 Qt Gui
#231 Document copy and paste into motif editor now functional. new king minor document_1.1 Qt Gui
#221 Discover/document effect of ordering species on analysis run times. new king major document_1.1 core
#202 Investigate SIP instead of boost::python new king major Standing on our heads Qt Gui
#198 Document the multi add to sub-analysis feature. new king major document_1.1 Qt Gui
#165 Include a section on creating a motif list file using the smn1 data. new king minor from __future__ import docs other
#159 Create track macro to display changelog with build numbers new king minor from __future__ import docs other
#88 Find titus' paper on FR versus the bacterial genomes assigned diane major other
#21 Implement a better way of handling the GL selection buffer new diane major Standing on our heads core
#6 Analysis saving is smelly new diane major Standing on our heads core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.