Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#49 closed defect (fixed)

QAssistant Mussa Docs

Reported by: king Owned by: diane
Priority: critical Milestone: Few Small Repairs
Component: core Version:
Keywords: None Cc: None


A tutorial and/or user manual should be made and included within mussagl using QAssistant.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by diane, 18 years ago

Useful to indicate what reasonable thresholds are as a function of evolutionary distance.

Write up as a protocol.

comment:2 by diane, 18 years ago

Milestone: Standing on our headsFew Small Repairs
Type: defect

The tutorial also needs to include warnings about things that are "problems".

OpenGL rendering is somewhat dependent on your video card. The cancel button is harsh Some information about the non-linear runtime as a function of analysis complexity.

comment:3 by diane, 18 years ago

Priority: blockercritical

comment:4 by diane, 18 years ago

Milestone: Few Small RepairsStanding on our heads

comment:5 by diane, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Brandon has been working on a tutorial. It's not done, but since we are including it via QtAssisant or I think this ticket can be closed.

(Further tickets should address specific issues with the documentation.)

comment:6 by diane, 18 years ago

Milestone: Standing on our headsFew Small Repairs
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