Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#114 closed defect (fixed)

Location analyses are saved to is ill-defined on OS X.

Reported by: diane Owned by: diane
Priority: major Milestone: Few Small Repairs
Component: Qt Gui Version:
Keywords: Cc:


It's really unclear where files are being saved to on OS X. Basically when having launched from the GUI I have no idea what the "current" directory is.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by diane, 19 years ago

[316] copies the analysis name from the dialog box to the analysis name field of the Mussa class, this then is used as the filename, so if you put in an absolute pathname it'll use it. this is quite ugly.

what should happen is that the Mussa::analyze() function should stop automatically saving, the command line tools should default to saving (and give a way to override the name/location and the gui should let users do File->SaveAs

comment:2 by diane, 19 years ago

Currently OS X is saving to the root of whatever disk mussa is launched from. If you launch from a dmg it'll try to write to that, if you launch from the main disk it'll write to /

comment:3 by diane, 19 years ago

[356] and [357] get the save conventions closer to typical save conventions.

Though currently mussa will try to save to the root of your filesystem, which is a bit rude.

comment:4 by diane, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

[358] sets the default save as directory to the users home directory, which should be a reasonable default for all our supported OSes.

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