Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#257 closed defect (fixed)

Saving analysis saves at current threshold

Reported by: diane Owned by: king
Priority: major Milestone: release_1.1
Component: Qt Gui Version:
Keywords: Cc:


When you save an analysis, mussa will save at the currently selected threshold, not what was originally computed. This can cause one to lose an analysis, and is probably not a good thing. Combined with ticket:240 this will make it appear that mussa isn't loading an analysis.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by king, 18 years ago

Owner: changed from diane to king
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by king, 18 years ago

As it turns out the data isn't being lost. What's happening is that when you save the file, it saves it at the current soft threshold, effectively saving the viewing state. When you open an existing analysis, it loads it in at what ever soft threshold you saved it with. It currently it sets the soft threshold to the minimum threshold, which could confuse the user because it may say the min threshold when it's actually showing a different soft threshold. Changing the soft threshold re-computes the paths and it will display correctly again.

A patch still needs to be made to set the soft threshold to the actual soft threshold being displayed.

comment:3 by king, 18 years ago

Milestone: release_1.2release_1.1

comment:4 by king, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fix in changeset:557 - Commit comment included below:

Thu Apr 19 17:29:17 PDT 2007  Brandon King <kingb (at)>
  * Load saved muway and set to muways soft threshold.

   * Fix for ticket:257
   * Updated nway code to save the soft threshold when saving.
   * Updated nway code to load the soft threshold when saving.
   * Updated MussaWindow.load code to use soft threshold loaded from muway file.
   * Upadted MussaWindow.load code to load properly when the window
     is empty to start with.
     * Added a reset() function to the ThresholdWidget to avoid emits
       * This actually didn't fix the problem (see ticket:262)
     * Broke the SIGNAL/SLOT loop causing multiple nways to be run, by
       breaking the connection from MussaWindow to ThresholdWidget while
       the ThresholdWidget.reset() function is called.

Better fix possible (see ticket:262).

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