Custom Query (41 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#6 Analysis saving is smelly new diane task Standing on our heads major
#7 Reuse seqcomps new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#8 Per species thresholds new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#9 Connect to cartwheel new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#13 AnnotationColor mapper needs a user interface new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#17 Allow user to specify an offset for base pair location label new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#21 Implement a better way of handling the GL selection buffer new diane task Standing on our heads major
#28 Allow user to force a loaded sequence to be reverse complimented. new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#61 For mac users it'd be useful to make double clicking on a data file actually load mussagl new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#65 It'd be neat if you could select a region and go to ucsc new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#80 Difference between analyses new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#87 Autodetect threshold new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#88 Find titus' paper on FR versus the bacterial genomes assigned diane task major
#106 Figure out how to test copySelectedTracks new diane enhancement unit tests major
#141 Vector output new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#145 Use titus' paircomp and motility new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#198 Document the multi add to sub-analysis feature. new king task document_1.1 major
#201 Run analyses in worker thread new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#202 Investigate SIP instead of boost::python new king task Standing on our heads major
#203 Unit test the code that generates all the mussa filename new diane enhancement unit tests major
#204 When you resize a mussa window, resize the drawing too. new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#205 Add button for autofitting sequence to window new diane enhancement release_1.2 major
#209 Extend the command line parsing to allow fully specifying an analysis new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#218 Qt4.2 has a platform independent way to place Ok/Cancel buttons in dialog new diane enhancement release_1.2 major
#219 Reordering sequences in an analysis would be really nice new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#221 Discover/document effect of ordering species on analysis run times. new king task document_1.1 major
#222 Allow hyperlink annotations for CDS to PyMol rendering of protein structure new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#224 Define a common base class between MussaWindow and MussAlignedWindow new diane enhancement Standing on our heads major
#228 Allow more vertical collapse of description widgets new diane enhancement release_1.2 major
#232 Document the report bp copied number. new king task document_1.1 major
#234 Document * in title when there are unsaved changes new king task document_1.1 major
#238 Set left offset graphically new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#241 One of the annotations needed is to show where the start of the gene is new diane enhancement release_1.2 major
#242 make really sure people understand how repeatmasking prevents motifs from being shown. new diane defect document_1.1 major
#245 Implement back_inserter for sequence type new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic major
#248 Test latest build on all platforms new diane task release_1.1 major
#258 document new escape to clear selection new king task document_1.1 major
#264 Document sequence properties new king task document_1.1 major
#266 Sub-analysis drawing bug (see attached screenshots) new diane defect release_1.1 major
#267 Sequence View soft threshold control non-responsive new diane defect release_1.1 major
#268 files that lack a new line would make the mupa parser choke new diane defect major
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.