Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#159 Create track macro to display changelog with build numbers new king task from __future__ import docs other
#165 Include a section on creating a motif list file using the smn1 data. new king task from __future__ import docs other
#231 Document copy and paste into motif editor now functional. new king task document_1.1 Qt Gui
#11 create unifed sequence type new diane enhancement Standing on our heads core
#18 segments should indicate if they're both forward and reveresed new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic core
#29 Connect to Core Match new diane enhancement Standing on our heads core
#48 Automate win32 installer build new diane enhancement other
#54 Allow compressing repeat regions new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic Qt Gui
#112 Sequence logo new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic Qt Gui
#123 Allow hiding sidebars new diane enhancement release_1.2 Qt Gui
#124 report patch version new diane enhancement release_1.2 core
#136 allow absolute positioning new diane enhancement Standing on our heads Qt Gui
#155 Include a simple repeat filter new diane enhancement from __future__ import magic core
#230 shipit script should ship source distribution too. new diane enhancement release_1.2 other
#253 Show conserved window on local alignment display new diane enhancement Standing on our heads Qt Gui
#262 ThresholdWidget.reset() SIGNAL/SLOTS issue. new diane defect release_1.2 Qt Gui
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.