Custom Query (35 matches)


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Status: closed (30 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#247 Increase version number to 1.1.0 diane task blocker core
#250 Cmake build failure: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -loptimized diane defect blocker Qt Gui
#111 Set zero/alignment point for a sequence diane enhancement critical Qt Gui
#158 When unable to parse a fasta file report its name diane enhancement critical Qt Gui
#182 Mussa views need vertical scrolls diane enhancement critical Qt Gui
#195 Disable motif and closing motif editor causes loss of motifs. diane defect critical Qt Gui 1.0
#206 We need some way of indicating Ns diane enhancement critical Qt Gui
#215 You should be able to paste into the motif editor diane enhancement critical Qt Gui
#259 New Annotations hide the sequence when you zoom to sequence view diane defect critical Qt Gui
#211 Report how many basepairs are copied diane enhancement major Qt Gui
#217 Use QtDesktopServices for openURL diane enhancement major Qt Gui
#226 QtTest is now a framework diane defect major other
#233 when first displaying mussa the tracks aren't sized to the available viewport on os x diane defect major Qt Gui
#236 Error parsing annotation file should also include the filename in the exception. diane enhancement major core
#237 Crashing with invalid file name diane defect major Qt Gui
#239 Report error when trying to load a directory as an annotation. diane defect major core
#244 len(mussa.paths()) returns number of tracks, not the number of paths found diane defect major python interface
#246 Add "What's this?" documentation to as many elements of the GUI as possible. king enhancement major Qt Gui
#251 Save to image crash king defect major Qt Gui
#252 Make scroll wheel work king enhancement major Qt Gui
#255 Even telling cmake to use python2.3 mussa still builds against 2.5 diane defect major python interface
#256 Assertion failed diane defect major Qt Gui
#257 Saving analysis saves at current threshold king defect major Qt Gui
#260 Mupa parser is cranky on windows files diane defect major core
#265 Mussa annotation file didn't work if the last sequence wasn't terminated by a newline diane defect major core
#240 When there are no matches, mussa doesn't seem to display anything king defect minor Qt Gui
#254 Sub-analysis failing to draw paths on init king defect minor Qt Gui
#261 Mussa mupa comment character required a space diane defect minor core
#194 use window feedback to show that there are unsaved changes diane enhancement trivial Qt Gui 1.0
#210 see about removing some of the wasted border width on the sidebars diane enhancement trivial Qt Gui

Status: new (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#249 darcs tag mussa_1.1.0 diane defect critical Qt Gui
#263 Compile warnings must die! diane defect critical Qt Gui
#248 Test latest build on all platforms diane task major Qt Gui
#266 Sub-analysis drawing bug (see attached screenshots) diane defect major Qt Gui
#267 Sequence View soft threshold control non-responsive diane defect major Qt Gui
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.