

11:12 WikiStart edited by diane


21:15 Ticket #107 (Motifs don't show up on the Mussa Aligned Sequence window anymore.) created by diane
somehow I recently broke the view AlignedSequence window.
19:17 Ticket #106 (Figure out how to test copySelectedTracks) created by diane
I need to figure out some way to programmatically set a selection so I …


15:15 Ticket #105 (Load Analysis should spawn a new window) created by diane
When Barbara tried to use Mussa she tried to use the load menu like …


17:33 Ticket #104 (Loading a different analysis while a MussaAlignedWindow was open ...) closed by diane
fixed: [259] fixed. boost::shared_ptr and std::auto_ptr are useful things. I …
17:28 Ticket #104 (Loading a different analysis while a MussaAlignedWindow was open ...) created by diane


18:51 Ticket #103 (Motifs need a name field) created by king
Motifs should have a name field in addition to the actual motif. This …
17:29 Ticket #102 (Update "blocking the gui" comment in --no-gui mode.) created by king
When in --no-gui mode, the comment "I apologize for blocking the gui …


15:08 Ticket #99 (Percent threshold shouldn't be editable.) closed by diane
fixed: Fixed. recenty. Not sure what version…


16:09 Ticket #101 (On windows, the file browse button doesn't remember the previous path) created by diane
Usually sequence files are next to each other, but each time you load …


18:48 Ticket #100 (There should be some way to display the annotation name with the ...) created by diane
16:42 Ticket #99 (Percent threshold shouldn't be editable.) created by diane
15:56 Ticket #98 (QtAssistant needs to be put in the right place on os x.) created by diane


13:42 Ticket #97 (Help > Mussa Manual... should have warning dialog upon error) closed by king
fixed: Implemented... I would reference the changeset, but the timeline is …
11:17 Ticket #97 (Help > Mussa Manual... should have warning dialog upon error) created by king
Help > Mussa Manual... should have warning dialog upon error


17:33 MussaPrototypeCommandline edited by diane
17:20 Ticket #79 (It'd be nice if you could annotate by providing fasta files) closed by diane
fixed: implemented (at least partially in [197] )
17:19 Ticket #67 (You should be able to open multiple analyses) closed by diane
duplicate: sigh, I duplicated this with ticket:93 and it was implmented in [185]
17:15 Ticket #58 (why does mussa take so long to recompute a large nway?) closed by diane
duplicate: ticket:73 has far more information about the performance problems.
17:13 Ticket #72 (Myogenin human mouse rat cow chicken files are odd) closed by diane
fixed: This was from all the bugs with the local alingment code, most of …
17:12 Ticket #76 (Qt 4.1.1 crashes on barbara's computer) closed by diane
invalid: hmm... more of the compiler bug?
17:12 Ticket #91 (quits) closed by diane
fixed: Probably related to the gcc 4.0.0 + qt bug.
17:11 Ticket #94 (quits at viewing allignment) closed by diane
fixed: probably fixed by linking to qt 4.1.3 with xcode 2.3 (gcc 4.0.1)
17:10 Ticket #90 (the arrow keys aren't connected to the scrollbar) closed by diane
fixed: implemented [221]
17:09 Ticket #75 (The scrollbar navigation when zoomed in jumps too far) closed by diane
fixed: Implemented in [221]
17:09 Ticket #44 (Computation of reverse compliment colors is buggy) closed by diane
fixed: Fixed in [209]
12:12 Ticket #96 (Save to image broken) created by king
As it turns out, the save to image feature does not work with the new …


15:09 Ticket #95 (Annotations masked out when motif defined and then undefined.) created by king
Annotations get masked out when motif defined over them and then …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.