Custom Query (72 matches)


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Status: closed (72 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#62 Aligning sequence that has a reverse compliment doesn't fully align correctly diane defect blocker fixed
#99 Percent threshold shouldn't be editable. diane enhancement blocker fixed
#134 Width of seqcomp match line is wrong diane defect blocker fixed
#146 Win32: Create new analysis mystery crash king defect blocker fixed
#154 off by one error when drawing segments diane defect blocker fixed
#26 SubAnalysis mode diane enhancement critical fixed
#44 Computation of reverse compliment colors is buggy diane critical fixed
#55 Somehow when reloading an analysis it needs to save threshold / window size diane defect critical fixed
#57 Define analysis is annoying diane critical fixed
#63 with two sequences the align sequence view doesn't show any connections diane defect critical fixed
#69 motifs may not be rendering corectly diane critical fixed
#71 AnnotationColors don't always color motifs correctly diane defect critical worksforme
#75 The scrollbar navigation when zoomed in jumps too far diane defect critical fixed
#107 Motifs don't show up on the Mussa Aligned Sequence window anymore. diane defect critical worksforme
#122 Motif editor needs to support more than 10 motifs diane enhancement critical fixed
#135 Win32: Save as not working... causes crash. king defect critical fixed
#144 IUPAC codes are destroyed by the sequence normalization code diane defect critical fixed
#31 Threshold Widget should use spinboxes diane major fixed
#39 sidebar rendering problems diane major fixed
#51 Copying sequence might be useful diane enhancement major fixed
#58 why does mussa take so long to recompute a large nway? diane defect major duplicate
#59 the washed out sequence should actually be partially transparent. diane defect major fixed
#66 The annotation for myogenin needs to be checked. diane major fixed
#68 The web site should have the Caltech and possibly BMNC logo king major fixed
#70 Need to be able to save screenshots in View Alignment Page diane major fixed
#73 Performance problems doing analysis diane defect major invalid
#86 Progresss bar diane defect major fixed
#91 quits diane defect major fixed
#94 quits at viewing allignment diane defect major fixed
#101 On windows, the file browse button doesn't remember the previous path diane enhancement major fixed
#104 Loading a different analysis while a MussaAlignedWindow was open caused a crash diane defect major fixed
#109 Subanalysis sequence list wasn't being cleared diane defect major fixed
#110 Running a subanalysis with nothing loaded causes the program to crash diane defect major fixed
#114 Location analyses are saved to is ill-defined on OS X. diane defect major fixed
#118 Tracks need an edit properites option. diane enhancement major fixed
#120 Windows doesn't have python installed by default diane enhancement major fixed
#125 autodetect if python needs -lutil diane defect major fixed
#127 The sidebar layout isn't right after loading a second analysis into the same window diane defect major fixed
#129 Subseq doesn't support trees correctly diane defect major fixed
#130 Save is relative to the current directory diane defect major fixed
#131 When closing an analysis window, cancel doesn't prevent the close diane defect major worksforme
#132 Make open saved analysis open a new window diane enhancement major duplicate
#138 Sequence view window needs a title diane defect major fixed
#139 Edit motif window looses motif information when closed diane defect major fixed
#140 Load Motifs doesn't do anything diane defect major fixed
#142 It'd be really useful to trigger a subanalysis from an aligned sequence view. diane enhancement major fixed
#143 add command line option to annotate an analysis with a motif file. diane enhancement major fixed
#150 Example data for 1.0 release diane task major fixed
#151 Crash is possible when creating a subanalysis smaller than the window diane defect major fixed
#160 error: default argument for parameter of type ‘MussaRef’ has type ‘int’ king defect major fixed
#20 Toggle Motif Button Implementation king defect minor fixed
#24 Clean up the signals and slots diane defect minor fixed
#34 Unused variable 'max_range' in 'void ScrollableSequenceBrowser::updateScrollBar()' diane defect minor fixed
#35 Zoom Icon diane minor fixed
#43 After scrolling a sequence browser window, selection boxes break diane defect minor fixed
#46 link in icons diane defect minor fixed
#50 Switch to using Qt4.1 resources (automatically compiles resources into binary). diane defect minor fixed
#52 Saved analysis needs to keep widow size and threshold for threshold widget diane defect minor fixed
#56 Define analysis should include scroll area when SequenceWidget count >= 3 king defect minor fixed
#64 Occasionally ConservedPath crashes diane minor fixed
#95 Annotations masked out when motif defined and then undefined. diane defect minor fixed
#96 Save to image broken king defect minor fixed
#97 Help > Mussa Manual... should have warning dialog upon error king defect minor fixed
#103 Motifs need a name field diane enhancement minor fixed
#115 The create an analysis screen create the sequences in the reverse order. diane defect minor fixed
#148 setup_analysis dialog should make sure that the threshold is not greater than the window size. diane defect minor fixed
#22 default size hint broken diane defect trivial fixed
#74 On OSX when maxmizing the sidebar stays on the GL canvas diane defect trivial fixed
#76 Qt 4.1.1 crashes on barbara's computer diane defect trivial invalid
#128 the editable sequence name only shows the end of long names. diane defect trivial fixed
#147 Sometimes the width of a quadrallateral is too small diane defect trivial fixed
#149 Handle " in motif names diane defect trivial fixed
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.