Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#30 Allow "leave one out" nway transitive searches new diane enhancement blocker release_1.2
#220 mussa command line seems to be broken... new diane defect critical
#6 Analysis saving is smelly new diane task major Standing on our heads
#7 Reuse seqcomps new diane enhancement major Standing on our heads
#8 Per species thresholds new diane enhancement major from __future__ import magic
#21 Implement a better way of handling the GL selection buffer new diane task major Standing on our heads
#106 Figure out how to test copySelectedTracks new diane enhancement major unit tests
#145 Use titus' paircomp and motility new diane enhancement major Standing on our heads
#201 Run analyses in worker thread new diane enhancement major Standing on our heads
#203 Unit test the code that generates all the mussa filename new diane enhancement major unit tests
#221 Discover/document effect of ordering species on analysis run times. new king task major document_1.1
#245 Implement back_inserter for sequence type new diane enhancement major from __future__ import magic
#11 create unifed sequence type new diane enhancement minor Standing on our heads
#18 segments should indicate if they're both forward and reveresed new diane enhancement minor from __future__ import magic
#29 Connect to Core Match new diane enhancement minor Standing on our heads
#124 report patch version new diane enhancement minor release_1.2
#155 Include a simple repeat filter new diane enhancement minor from __future__ import magic
#89 Blast to find mussa regions new diane enhancement trivial Standing on our heads
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.